気密郵便受け Air-tight mailbox

2018/12/03 - 2018東川田園の家 Higashikawa Rural House



When newspapers etc are in the mailbox, the outside air goes into the room steadily more rapidly, when it is in the middle of winter when it is below freezing temperatures, the room temperature also goes down rapidly. So there are many people who set up a mailbox BOX outdoors, but going to take out the newspaper in the cold winter morning is a big deal.

So there is an airtight mailbox, making BOX on the inside of the room, making a small airtight door, opening it and taking out newspaper and mail items, the outdoor side is a good reception for stainless steel design.

カラマツ外壁1枚目の隙間 Gap between the first larva of the larch tree

2018/12/01 - 2018東川田園の家 Higashikawa Rural House


The width of the first wall of the larch is 100 mm It stretches it with a gap of 50 mm at a time with a gap, the second piece also stretches a 100 mm wide larch plate to make a gauging look like a gap


雪の晴れ間 Snow Clearance

2018/11/30 - 2018東川田園の家 Higashikawa Rural House



It is freezing temperature in the daytime and snow is also continuing but it is temporary fine weather.

The lararch board of the outer wall is advanced.


アスファルトシングル葺 Asphalt Single Roofing

2018/11/29 - 2018東川田園の家 Higashikawa Rural House



The roof on which the solar power generation panel rests is a long sheet metal, but otherwise it is an asphalt single roof that does not drop snow.

Since snow does not fall, it can be designed with high degree of freedom, snowfall accident does not occur, and even natural expression is attractive.

外壁唐松はりが始まりました The larch boarding of the outer wall began.

2018/11/28 - 2018東川田園の家 Higashikawa Rural House



Since the outer wall material is stretched vertically, the foundation material was applied sideways, the ventilation layer on the back side of the outer wall flows air from the bottom to the top, because it extends the space of the first piece of the outer wall about 50 mm and stretches it It becomes a layer